Saturday, December 20, 2008

No pictures this morning. Taye and Sofia enjoyed a fabulous evening at their local spa, aka, Gram and Grandad's house. My new camera came in and I can hardly wait for the kids to come home so I can put it to good use.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another day with both kids in the house all day. I feel as though my brain has been taken over by something unimaginable as I hear myself saying things like, "Stop poking your sister," and "don't put your finger in there!" It's a crazy life but I love it.

The weather here is still cold (for Kentucky) and although I grew up in Ohio where I spent many winters outside in knee deep snow, it just seems too cold and icy to go anywhere. My northern friends say I've gone "soft." I think I need to go further "south!" Taye, as usual, is perfectly comfortable in his undies but didn't put up much of a fuss this morning when I handed him a pair of jeans. Sofia and I are wearing our cuddle duds...wool socks...the works!

More pics are on the way. It's funny because the second I begin a download, the kids come running! What talented kids!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Taye doing the dance

Taye does this hillarious "twisty butt" dance. Sofia has one too, which will be coming soon to a computer near you!

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Rinella's

Starting a family blog to post pics of the kiddos for all to see. Check back for updates--I'll try to keep up at least every 2 weeks!